Posted by on Apr 16, 2014 in Blog | Comments Off on ROSOR


This is kind of a carry over from my last post, but why is common courtesy so uncommon? I mean, seriously!! Manners, y’all!!

(Y’all, I’ve given up. I’m embracing my inner redneck. Which I don’t think existed because I started talkin’ like a redneck and my little sister looked at me like I was speaking Irish again. And lemme just tell you that that’s not a look of awe…)
Anywaysers, (and I make up weird words) what the flip happened to manners?! Used to, if I didn’t say “Yes ma’am,” I would wish myself dead.
Just hang me from the rack.
I kid, but it was mortifying!! If I slipped in a “yeah” I would turn the colour of my hair.
The common phrases when I was a kid were yes ma’am, no ma’am, yessir, nosir, please, thank you, yes please, no thank you, and excuse me.

Stupid, hate, and shut up were cuss words.

Speak when you’re spoken to and respect your elders.

Children obey your parents for it is right. Honour thy father and thy mother.

Everyday life in the early 2000s in the Reed house.

We had a society. It was called ROSOR. It was so supremely amazing. Kudos to my dad.
ROSOR stands for the

Respectful and
Society of
Obedience and

(We were also completely against redundancy and repetition.)

We had ceremonies after church on Sundays and we got awards.

The Clean Plate Club.
Literally a club. (A small whiffle ball bat) It was painted awesomely.
If you cleaned your plate however many times that week, you got the clean plate club.

The Clean Closet Medallion.
When you get a new toy or outfit or pair of shoes, you get rid of an old toy or outfit or pair of shoes. If you succeed, you get the medallion.

The Tidy Cat Cup.
You have a champion’s goblet. When you pick up a small mess without being asked, you put a seed bead on the string. When you pick up a big mess without being asked, you put on a big bead. (Guess whose goblet had more beads on it 😉 )
We had door hangers that on one side said “This room is Tidy Cat Clean” and on the other side said “This room is Bill the Cat Messy.”

I think mine was on the tidy cat side maybe 3 times…..

The Ducks in a Row Award.
If you completed all of your assignments in school, did your chores, etc. You’ve got your ducks in a row.
Oh the ROSOR pin….
This was the highest– second highest honour.

If you got into trouble and were disrespectful or disobedient you got your pin taken away. One of the most shameful punishments of that time. It hung on the mantle and all you could do was stare at it because you were a midget.

So bad.
So. So. Bad.

(Thankfully, I only lost it a couple if times. 🙂 I was an angel. Hard to believe, right? 😉 )

There were also “Mommy and Daddy Tags.”
I don’t care how stupid they sound. I’ve still got some of mine.

You got a tag when you did a random act of kindness. Basically.
So if there was one banana left and I knew that Jack wanted it too and I offered it to him, I might get a tag.
If there was one red vitamin left and I knew that Jack wanted it, I might give it to him without him asking and receive a tag.
Just little things like that. Being considerate.

At the bottom was one of my favourite bible verses.

“For the sorrow may last for the night, but the joy comes in the morning.”


(One of my favourite songs as a kid… 🙂 )


There were dozens of others, but some are some of the main ones…
So yeah. I mean, yes. 😉

We were raised to say all of that all the time.
I say “yeah” all the time!! I still try to say yessir and yes ma’am most of the time, but I still say yeah a lot.

I’m trying to get better. I’ll make it someday. 😉
Well, I hope you’re doing well. 🙂 Thank you if you finished all of this one and all of the other posts. I really appreciate it.

Much love

xx becca

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(Slightly edited: 7/14/15)